Technical Sales Buccaneer – Acoustic Consulting & Materials

Soundzipper Pirate Recruitment

Technical Sales Buccaneer - Acoustic Consulting & Materials - Soundzipper

Technical Sales Buccaneer – Acoustic Materials

Have ye ever entered a tavern, inn or den of robbers – or perhaps a more genteel abode – and had to clap yer hands o’er yer ears for the noise? Be ye wondering why some places echo with boisterous laughter while others be havens of muted tranquillity? Have ye the gift o’ the gab yet can perceive the wishes of others and know how to help them? If yer answer be “Aye!” then we have space for ye to sling yer hammock on board the Soundzipper. Our quest: to transport great acoustic products to new venues and make this world sound better.

As a Swashbuckler aboard the Soundzipper, ye will
  • Present our acoustic booty to the likes of architects, contractors, consultants and end-clients.
  • Write up quotations/proposals for tenders/projects.
  • Consult with sharks lawyer types to create supply contracts.
  • Conscript installers to install our products.
  • Study ye the market and make a log of it and yer “sale”-ing progress
  • Conspire with our recruiters (a.k.a. marketing crew) to create sound marketing campaigns (pun intended).
  • Support ye the clients with the best technical support.
  • Expand ye the business by finding new clients.
Must Haves
  • At least 2 years “sale”-ing with Admiral Architecture, Captain Construction, or Blackbeard Building Materials (or other nefarious pirates).
  • Know ye plenty of previous landlubbers (a.k.a. clients).
  • Proof that ye acquired an excess of pieces of eight in sales for the last crew ye sailed with.
  • Know Yer Way Around Computers and Electronics – or can learn quickly.
  • Speak and write the Queen’s English fluently – no lowly piratical jargon.
  • Can do more than what yer hired for this be a new sailing vessel and we need crew who can swab decks, fire cannons, mend sails, batten down the hatches, row a dinghy, and chart uncharted waters.
  • Avast! Singaporeans / Permanent Residents only
  • Pirates who’ve battled big galleons and man-o-wars, as well as government schooners, will be looked upon favorably. If ye be a leader the crew looks up to, not to mention have a silver tongue for sales, we like that as well. Did we mention we prefer Mandarin speaking, Driving License, Environmental Acoustics Experience, and Sound System Design Experience?

Potential crewmates are invited to email their resumes and expected salary to [email protected] with the subject header: Application for Technical Sales Specialist – Acoustic Materials

Apply now

Sales Specialist

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